Monday, April 28, 2008

Gas Prices Suck

Okay. So I was putting off going to a gas station, hoping the prices would go down a little. No such luck. I remember when prices spiked about 2-3 years ago and some stations in Plano ran out of gas. Around that time I thought hitting 50 bucks was outrageous. I had about 3 gallons of gas left in my tank. But I always put 93 octane in my car. So it's always more expensive to fill up my car. Now it was about $3.82 a gallon for 93 octane.

Anyway, just thought I'd snap some pix to show how much gas is in Frisco, TX. How're prices elsewhere???


Royal Goat said...

That's outrageous! Then again, I couldn't tell you how much it is, every time I go to the pump I just close my eyes and pray it'll all be over soon....

Haven't played with you all in a while! Share the love!

Raider X said...

It is freakin nuts!

I spent $74.78 filling up my pickup just last week. And will need to do it again in a little over a week.

Too bad a Tesla cost $109,000. That is one electric car I sure would not mind plugging in!

Anonymous said...

3.49 here

I wish they'd take a pound of flesh instead. It'd be less painful and I could stand losing a few pounds.